Realization of Image and Likeness of God

When we say God is love and that God loves us, many grasp to a highbrow idea that because God loves us, the whole lot is first-rate and that we do not then have something similar to do regards knowing His love. In settling for highbrow concepts or belief systems, deep down, we are making God chargeable to understand our personal indwelling photo of God’s nature. The fact is, knowing God is a non-public selection — an act of will — in which we select both handing our lives over to God absolutely or pick closing intellectual on God, in other words, final on the side-line of non-dedication to work required for knowing His photograph or nature.


While high quality, intellectualizing best of biblical words can also lead to inflexible perception structures, which we feel will reunite us into image and likeness. But highbrow knowledge does no longer adjust the kingdom of the soul, does now not carry God-nature or divine focus to us. The Bible, in essence, is academic and no longer a group of notion systems to be learned and verbalized time and again. Ideally, biblical phrases require translation from their literal presentation to esoteric or hidden that means, thereby making the amazing scriptures relatable and realistic in sorting-out. In the absence of proper translations, we’re inclined to form our own knowledge or relate to others’ perspectives, which tend to bind us even further to non-soul serving belief systems.

Making A Start

Let us take into account an unmarried raindrop. The raindrop is the ability to anticipate ocean-realization, in that it exists as ocean-nature but has not realized this. To evolve from ocean-lack of knowledge into direct ocean experiencing, the sun evaporates the raindrop right into a cloud, where it subsequently localizes to shape a man or woman raindrop, whilst it then falls returned into the ocean to turn out to be absolutely realized in ocean-nature. And, at the same time, as nonetheless inside the cloud expecting solidarity with the ocean, the raindrop still retained all the ocean traits. Similarly, a room complete with valuable wealth, which no one is aware of, is worthless until a consciousness or awareness enters the room.

An analogy I love is the more youthful of the 2 prodigal sons. The more youthful one asked the daddy for his inheritance of the property (the kingdom of heaven) earlier than starting up becoming spiritually misplaced within the cloth world. The ensuing transformational adventure returned to the father. Like the raindrop’s ocean ability, the younger son’s inheritance turned into the route, full picture, and likeness of the father’s repute. In other words, all of the features, nature, and capability of the dominion of heaven.

With this in mind, every soul consequently is an individuated thing of God, eternal Spirit, and, as such, isn’t made, but that it’s the frame that is made or created. For, similar to Spirit, the soul constantly is, turned into, and continually will be. And, gloriously, in making the human frame, God genetically encoded humankind with mechanisms to encounter His photo and likeness nature.

God operates the cosmos through the innumerable legal guidelines of Nature. Through impulses past everyday human notion — biblically positioned, the Will of God. God consists of the day-to-day functioning order of the cosmos in ideal synchronization and Concord. Therefore, God’s status and the multiple intricacies of His operational nature and ability are past human comprehension. And, at the same time as the human thoughts cannot realize such more than one variation of legal guidelines, God counteracts this with the aid of providing the capability of attuning our cognizance with all the laws of Nature, with the cosmic impulses, without having to comprehend the mechanics of the innumerable laws of Nature.


Let us briefly examine Genesis 1:1 and how, with the aid of at once experiencing “the Word,” we are pleased this tremendous scripture flawlessly. The Word, that’s an identity referencing vibrational Aum — the sound of advent — is the triggering manner-sound of the gene encoding. Human cognizance gets to know or enjoy God-focus. Therefore, to a sensible degree, picture and likeness have to do with the after-effects, the reverberation traits, and resonances of this cosmic Word’s vibrational cost in our recognition. In different words, the sound of Aum resonating in mind fires vibration into action, thereby is cosmic nature triggered as an immediate experience inside consciousness.

Direct experiencing Aum’s impulses or resonances reveals that we are each a microcosm of the Whole — Potentiates of Divine Nature with the innovative intelligence of all possibilities. Vibration, hence, is the place to begin by satisfying the soul’s quest for spiritual evolution into aware concord and peace – a life of full integration with Divinity. In reaching such, we are each supplied with the mechanisms and channels, and also, as referred to, with impulse-encoding for understanding His nature at once, for making His Reality our soul’s conscious Reality. Imagine viewing beautiful surroundings through mist-blanketed spectacles or radio orchestral tunes tuned between stations or touching over properly-crafted fixtures or porcelain with gloves on. This is how an impure apprehensive gadget experiences.

Obviously, this is not a clinical evaluation at the anxious device but a picture to assist internalize the nonsecular channels through which Being or Life expresses and displays. Breaking it into element parts: the frame is an extension of the apprehensive gadget, which is an extension of the mind, that’s an extension of the mind, attention, or soul, which is an extension of God. These essentially are what constitute the bodily elements that characteristic of preserving the human frame. These developed systems of creation — and their religious ability — are what unite humankind from every different species in creation. It’s via the brain / worried device that focuses on vibrates, which vibration, while transcendentally experienced, equates to Divine nature.

As cited in advance, intellectualizing simplest on scriptural photograph and likeness has to transport to another stage, into the active participation at once understanding His nature. This different level — of purely knowing — is performed via refinement of the frightening device, the body’s Creator’s intended technique. The worried device needs to be made a reflective machine, capable of withstanding His nature without delay experiencing photograph and likeness beyond words and perception structures.

Being the maximum improve the various species, the frightened system is the seat of consciousness, the seat of the soul, or Self, and soul or Self-existence is only in gift time. When refined or made pure, the anxious machine displays His form as expanded focus, Concord, peace, creativity, inside the form of bliss-awareness – biblically, Light of God. Genesis puts it, “God said, Let there be Light (permit there be divine consciousness).” Thus, to be an enlightened approach to be divinely conscious and fully enlightened is to be fully conscious of His recognition as our normative general of living.


God-nature can’t be experienced via a lesser country; consequently, the human apprehensive machine needs to be re-calibrated, restructured to channel His nature. It’s thru the human dynamic that divine consciousness receives to know itself, and, by way of this covenant, reciprocally, humankind receives to know God. In other words, while God is experiencing His shape through the man or woman focus, consequently humankind at once experiencing His nature through our own spiritually growing shape. As the paperwork is the same, so too the creative ability and manifestations, but to scale.

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