Hybrid Funds – Multitasking Between Debt And Equity

Balanced mutual funds, called hybrid funds, make various percentage investments in debt and equity asset classes. The idea behind such funds is that they give investors a chance to grow while reducing their risk.

Hybrid Funds

What are hybrid funds?

Hybrid Mutual Funds are mutual fund programs that invest in a combination of debt and equity securities. Hybrid Funds often balance out the risk exposures by avoiding a focused portfolio and using diversification. The investing posture and asset allocation into debt and equity determine the fund risk. These funds are appropriate for less hazardous investing options that offer better returns than debt funds.

Types of hybrid funds

Conservative hybrid funds

The funds’ primary goals are to protect investors’ investments and give them a consistent income. These invest cautiously and devote a sizable amount of their resources to low-risk investment items like bonds and money-market stocks. Despite the funds’ preference for low-risk assets, a modest amount would still be allocated to stock and equity-linked securities.

Balanced hybrid funds

Investors might think about investing in a balanced hybrid fund if they are still unsure of their risk tolerance. The features of a fund are those that support between 40 and 60 percent of its assets in each, according to Sebi. Due to their nearly equal allocation, these funds invest in debt and equity instruments at roughly the same weight. In the past, these funds have often offered returns that fall between 7 and 9%.

Aggressive hybrid funds

Aggressive hybrid funds may be invested by investors more willing to take a risk. These invest more in equities than debt securities and have an equity emphasis. According to Sebi’s recommendations, these should invest 65 to 80 percent of their assets in equity and equity-related products. The remainder is put into debt-related projects. In the past, these funds have typically given investors returns between 7 and 8%.

Arbitrage funds

By primarily trading in arbitrage opportunities in the money and derivative portions of the equity markets, these funds aim to provide capital growth and income. The Scheme will try to invest mainly in possibilities for arbitrage between the futures and spot prices of exchange-traded stocks and the chances for arbitrage available within the derivative market. In the past, these funds have typically returned between 6 and 7 percent.

Multitasking Between Debt And Equity

Your risk tolerance level and the time until you expect to achieve your goals will determine the sort of mutual fund you should select. For instance, equities mutual funds are a good option if you’re a risk-taking investor who takes on many risks.

On the other side, debt mutual funds can be just what you’re searching for if you’re a cautious investor with a low-risk tolerance. Finally, hybrid funds can be the right choice for you if you’re a moderate investor willing to assume a higher level of risk.

Equities or debt might be the focus of balanced funds. Both Balanced Hybrid and Aggressive Hybrid funds fall under this category. Balanced hybrid funds invest in equity and debt, with an equity ratio ranging from 40 to 60% of the total. The equity proportion for aggressive hybrid funds ranges from 65 to 80%, with the remaining amount invested in debt.


Your risk tolerance level and the time until you expect to achieve your goals will determine the sort of mutual fund you should select. For instance, equities mutual funds are a good option if you’re a risk-taking investor who takes on many risks.

On the other side, debt mutual funds can be just what you’re searching for if you’re a cautious investor with a low-risk tolerance. Finally, hybrid funds can be the right choice for you if you’re a moderate investor willing to assume a slightly higher level of risk.

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